Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're Halfway to our Goal!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just passed the halfway mark to our goal of $80,000 and staying open! As of December 6th, we are at $40,685.42 and still rising. A HUGE thank you to everyone who's donated so far....and we hope this will be an inspiration to the rest of you to join the cause!

Speaking of causes, our Facebook Cause page is still up and running too, where over 300 people have donated so far. And we have a new challenge for you all: Chase Bank has created a contest called Chase Community Giving. Anyone may vote for their twenty favorite charities in the world, and the top 100 charities will each receive $25,000.

That's right, folks: You can help put us within spitting distance of our stay-in-business goal. It costs nothing to vote, you can nominate lots of other good causes besides us, and you may just help put us over the top. You do have to become a "Fan" first, but that's all. Please visit our Chase Community Giving page, vote for SSR, and publish a message about it to your wall and all your friends. Voting ends on December 11th!

Thank you,
Susanna, Caitlin and Mark