Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Teen Match" Challenge...Met!

The following is a direct quote from Managing Director Caitlin Frances, as sent to the SSR Board of Directors:
We met and exceeded the “Teen Match”! WHEEHAAA!!!
Thank you to all who've donated during this particular stretch of our fundraising drive.

We are oh-so-close to our December 31st fundraising goal. But we're not there yet! We know you're probably busy over the next day or two...but during those next few days of finally slowing down a bit, please consider an extra donation to get us over the top. (And don't forget, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so your donations are tax-deductible -- this week is your last chance to declare a little more off your 2010 tax return!)

Also this week: We still have two final performances of "A Christmas Cabaret" on Saturday night at 7:00 pm and Sunday afternoon at 2 pm. It's great fun for the whole family! Click here for tickets.