Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Huh? Is this some math-challenged countdown to the new year? Nope -- just the progress of our fundraising campaign over the last two weeks. First we got inside $10K to go; then we were at $8K, then $5K......

And as we do count down to our December 31st deadline, we now have a mere $1,237.00 to go. After starting with the seemingly impossible task of raising $80,000 in October! Can you believe it?

So, sorry to sound like a broken record, but...WE ARE SO CLOSE and there are ONLY TWO DAYS LEFT. We want to get securely across the finish line! Also, the cast of our spring musical, She Loves Me, is standing by and eager to start rehearsing as soon as they get the green light.

It's pretty clear that our audiences from all around the Eastside want to see professional theater continue in Redmond. If that's something you want too, please donate today. Already donated? Tell your friends. If just 50 people donated $25 each, we'd be there.

Thank you, as always, for your support of quality arts on "this" side of the bridge!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

"Teen Match" Challenge...Met!

The following is a direct quote from Managing Director Caitlin Frances, as sent to the SSR Board of Directors:
We met and exceeded the “Teen Match”! WHEEHAAA!!!
Thank you to all who've donated during this particular stretch of our fundraising drive.

We are oh-so-close to our December 31st fundraising goal. But we're not there yet! We know you're probably busy over the next day or two...but during those next few days of finally slowing down a bit, please consider an extra donation to get us over the top. (And don't forget, we are a 501(c)(3) non-profit, so your donations are tax-deductible -- this week is your last chance to declare a little more off your 2010 tax return!)

Also this week: We still have two final performances of "A Christmas Cabaret" on Saturday night at 7:00 pm and Sunday afternoon at 2 pm. It's great fun for the whole family! Click here for tickets.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

OMG We Are So Close!!

Friends, with the clock ticking down the hours to our deadline, we have a new fundraising total:


Ah, but the news gets even better! If we can make it to $60,000, we have several large pledges that will get us over the top. Which means that we are now just $8,884.66 away! Yes, a happy ending is now in sight. If you want to keep live professional theater in Redmond, please call (425) 881-6777 or go to our website donation page today.

Remember, donations received by the end of business on Wednesday, December 23rd with the notation "Teen Match" will be matched twice....... IF we meet our goal.

As always, we thank all of our donors for their generous support.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Community Members Pledge $$$ Challenge

As previously blogged, SSR students produced a "Teen Cabaret" last weekend, as a way of doing their part to keep SecondStory Rep alive. They raised a ton of money; and now, longtime subscribers Dirk and Shanie Holman want to build on that effort. Here is Shanie's challenge:
"I was very impressed by the dedication of the Teens in putting on their Cabaret Sunday. They clearly demonstrated the power of even small (monetary) contributions, to raise a total of more than $2300. So I'm throwing down a challenge, to make their hard work go even farther:  If, by December 23, SSR can collect at least $2400 in *new* contributions, designated "Teen Match," my husband and I will match those contributions with $200/mo for 2010 (in addition to whatever contribution we might already be making). Our contribution, in turn, will be matched by Microsoft. Check out the power of multiplication! Feel free to spread this challenge far and wide."
We are overwhelmed by the generosity of this offer -- from two people who have already donated money, time and effort to our fundraising campaign. Thank you so much, Dirk and Shanie!

And now their challenge goes out to you. Call or send in your tax-deductible donation today, marked "Teen Match", and tell everyone you know who might like to help. Email your friends, put it on your Facebook or MySpace page, send out a Tweet...If those teens could raise that amount in one day, then all the rest of us should definitely be able to do the same in one week!

Teen Cabaret Raises Big Bucks Toward Goal

On Sunday December 13, a dedicated group of teenagers banded together to put on a fundraising show for SecondStory. This sort of thing used to be called a "rent party"! All of the kids have taken theater classes and/or performed in our Teen Musicals of the last few years (the group pictured above is from last summer's "Godspell"). They have fond memories of the shows they've done here, and want to make sure they can do more in the future.

Well, the event was a smash success, filling the house and raising over $2,300 toward keeping the SSR doors open. WOW, way to go, teens! Thank you for all your hard work and spirit!

New Seattle Times article

Our latest coverage in the Seattle Times -- though astute readers of this blog will already know the scoop!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

We're Halfway to our Goal!

Ladies and gentlemen, we have just passed the halfway mark to our goal of $80,000 and staying open! As of December 6th, we are at $40,685.42 and still rising. A HUGE thank you to everyone who's donated so far....and we hope this will be an inspiration to the rest of you to join the cause!

Speaking of causes, our Facebook Cause page is still up and running too, where over 300 people have donated so far. And we have a new challenge for you all: Chase Bank has created a contest called Chase Community Giving. Anyone may vote for their twenty favorite charities in the world, and the top 100 charities will each receive $25,000.

That's right, folks: You can help put us within spitting distance of our stay-in-business goal. It costs nothing to vote, you can nominate lots of other good causes besides us, and you may just help put us over the top. You do have to become a "Fan" first, but that's all. Please visit our Chase Community Giving page, vote for SSR, and publish a message about it to your wall and all your friends. Voting ends on December 11th!

Thank you,
Susanna, Caitlin and Mark

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Pix from the Starry Nights gala

SSR's annual fall fundraising gala was held on November 21st, but we finally got hold of some pictures from the event.

Our sincere thanks once again to Matt and Denise Jones of Starry Nights Catering in Kirkland, who donated their space for the evening, and made all sorts of yummy food. Northwest Eventsource also donated their music services that night. And we certainly thank all those who attended, donated, ate, drank, bid, sang, set up, cleaned up, and helped SSR have a successful fundraiser -- bringing in almost $6,000 toward our goal!

The ensemble performs show tunes karaoke.

SSR board member Bruce Robertson.

SSR company members Tellier Killaby Booth and Robert Bogue light up the dance floor.

Past board member Sage Dahm with new Artistic Director Susanna Wilson.

Auction table loaded with goodies.

SSR board member Beryl Standley.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Breaking through $30K!!!

Our fundraising campaign has made $32,633.22 in as of November 30. Woo hoo!!! Keep those donations coming, folks!

Things coming up for the theater:

Teens' fundraiser show on December 13th ($15 suggested donation). Call (425) 881-6777 for seats.

We have a big new raffle going! Tickets are only $5. Help the theatre and have a chance at terrific prizes!

We'll be making a presentation tonight (Tuesday, Dec. 1) at the Redmond City Council meeting. If you can come and say a few words on behalf of SecondStory, it will help us plead our case for more funding from the city. Adults, children, anyone and everyone from the community is welcome to lend their voice to our cause. The meeting begins at 7:30 pm in the Council Chambers at Redmond City Hall.

And last but not least....Come see “A Christmas Cabaret”. Audiences are raving about what a great show it is, with a live band and a great cast!