Friday, September 11, 2009

Come and See "Last of the Red Hot Lovers"!

Hi folks,

It's me, Mark Waldstein, familiar to many of you who attend shows at SecondStory. We're halfway through the run of the Neil Simon comedy, "Last of the Red Hot Lovers", playing through September 19th.

I get to play Barney Cashman, a guy going through a midlife crisis during the Swingin’ 60’s. He’s happily married, and yet he wants just a little slice of the sexual revolution that’s going on all around him. So he's trying to find someone to have an affair with…but the trouble is, the only place he can think of to bring these women is his mother’s apartment. Smooooooth, huh?

This means I get to share the evening with three lovely, talented actresses - April Wolfe, Rebecca Olson and Melinda Wallace. (Rebecca is new to our stage, but you'll recognize the other two.) All three are hilarious, in such different ways. I'm not going to tell you how Barney, umm, makes'll have to come see that for yourself!

The whole 1960's period thing adds a fun angle to the show. We get to wear "mod" clothes for our costumes, the ladies are having a great time with hairstyles, and our pre-show music is filled with 60's hits. We dug deep for tunes that don't often turn up on classic-hit radio stations. On opening night, one audience member was overheard saying she wanted our soundtrack!

And we even got a "fab" review on the Web site Have a look, then grab some tickets for tonight or tomorrow at 8:00 or Sunday afternoon at 2:00 (we no longer start our shows at :15 past the hour), or on Friday and Saturday nights (only) next weekend, our closing weekend.
I hope to see you there!